
Parker O-Ring Chemical Compatibility Table for Gases, Fluids, Solids

Within the Parker O-Ring Handbook, Parker devotes a section highlighting over 1,800 chemicals with compatibility ratings against common o-ring materials.

To use the matrix, find the chemical (listed alphabetically) that will be exposed to your o-ring in application and cross-reference against the materials listed in the column header.

Parker's Compatibility Rating:

1 - Satisfactory

2 - Fair (usually OK for static seal)

3 - Doubtful (sometimes OK for static seal)

4 - Unsatisfactory

X - Insufficient Data

Parker O-Ring Handbook (ORD 5700) – SECTION VII – Compatibility Tables for Gases, Fluids, Solids PDF

Parker Chemical Compatibility Table

Want Something More Interactive? Try the ESP Material Selection Web Tool.
  • Adjust operating temperature ranges and durometer to fit your application parameters
  • The tool will filter suitable materials
  • Select a chemical to see the exposure rating for each

Material Selection Web Tool Button

Material Selection - Compatibility Tool Instructions