


File Size
Aerospace Sealing Solutions
4 MB
Explore ESP's high-performance aerospace seal offering, engineered to deliver exceptional reliability and safety in critical aerospace applications.

Type: Brochure | Product:

ESP UL Elastomers For Fuel Handling
6 MB
Reference document highlighting UL standards, products, and our 30+ UL 157 recognized rubber compounds from our ESP branded and supplier partners.

Type: Brochure | Product:

ESP Mad Seal Brochure
3 MB
Features and benefits of our patended ESP innovative MAD seal pivot joint seal.

Type: Brochure | Product:

ESP Assembly
905 KB
Highlighting ESP's error-proof sub-assembly services and expertise for better ROI.

Type: Brochure | Product: Services

ESP Branded Product
5 MB
Listing of ESP's general purpose elastomer compounds - NBR, FKM, EPDM, VMQ.

Type: Brochure | Product: Materials

ESP Engineering
786 KB
ESP's in-house engineers; experts in seal manufacturing, materials, design, validation and testing, installation techniques, failure analysis, and parameters affecting sealing.

Type: Brochure | Product: Services

ESP Food & Beverage
1 MB
Highlighting ESP's material and product offering for food and beverage FDA, NSF and 3-A standards.

Type: Brochure | Product:

Engineered Seal Products General
1 MB
ESP's modern day line card showcasing high-level products and services.

Type: Brochure | Product:

ESP SwiftSeal
5 MB
ESP Swift Seal™ is a devoted rapid turn cell to quickly produce low-quantity production or rapid prototypes —up to 19-1/2 inches in diameter. With ESP SwiftSeal™ you’ll have a wide variety of recognized rubber compounds to meet critical demands and varying applications.

Type: Brochure | Product: Services

Goetze Mechanical Face Seals
3 MB
GOETZE® mechanical face seals are found wherever the going gets really tough: in heavy technical equipment such as construction machinery, conveyors, mining machinery, concrete and cement mixers, tunnel boring and agricultural equipment.

Type: Brochure | Product: Mechanical Face Seals

5202 Parker Resilon Polyurethane
1 MB
Parker patented Resilon polyurethane material offering for high resilience, strength, and thermal stability.

Type: Brochure | Product: Materials

Parker ProTech Bearing Isolator Flyer
3 MB
Parker ProTech Bearing Isolator offering designed for 100% leak prevention and contamination exclusion.

Type: Brochure | Product: Shaft Seals

ESP Frac Consumable Brochure
568 KB
Highlights Engineered Seal Products premier frac pump consumables; High deflection pinion seal, plunger packing set, and suction cover seals. Our specific engineering focus on frac pump consumables stems from the pain of of the oil and gas completions market. Unplanned repairs and downtime cost unnecessary loss of performance and productivity.

Type: Brochure | Product:

Parker Well Service Packing Brochure
625 KB
Parker's 5266 brochure is a 4-pager highlights their Well Service Packing product features, materials, profiles and installation instructions.

Type: Brochure | Product:

Parker Suction Seal Brochure
320 KB
Highlights Parkers Frac Pump suction and discharge seals.

Type: Brochure | Product:


File Size
Simmering & Rotary Seals - Volume 11
12 MB
Freudenberg's full Simmering and rotary seals - Volume 11- catalog.

Type: Catalog | Product: Shaft Seals

5370 Parker Fluid Power Seal Design Guide
16 MB
Parker's Fluid Power Seal Design Guide provides engineers with a range of profile and compound combinations to configure part numbers for complete sealing systems for most fluid power applications. The catalog offering includes gland calculation tables for standard profiles and preferred profiles which conform to conventional gland and cylinder designs.

Type: Catalog | Product: Hydraulics

5350 Parker Rotary Seal Design Guide
13 MB
Parker’s Rotary Sealing Design Guide higlights their deisgns for rotating applications. Includes detail about their JM Clipper, Parker Oil Seal, FlexiLip, FlexiCase, FlexiSeal, ProTech bearing isolators, and Quick Sleeve lines.

Type: Catalog | Product: Shaft Seals

5700 Parker O-Ring Handbook
9 MB
The Parker O-Ring Handbook contains extensive information about the properties of basic sealing elastomers, as well as examples of typical o-ring applications, fundamentals of static and dynamic seal design and o-ring failure modes. It also provides an overview of international sizes and standards, and compatibility data for fluids, gases and solids.

Type: Catalog | Product: O-Rings

5124 Parker Gask-O-Seal Design Handbook
2 MB
Parker's Gask-O-Seal a uniquely designed elastomeric element molded directly into groove(s) to produce an integrated sealing solution for a virtually endless array of challenging static face type applications.

Type: Catalog | Product: Custom Molded Rubber

Tobul Accumulator Catalog
19 MB
Tobul's full legacy accumulator catalog.

Type: Catalog | Product: Accumulators


File Size
ESP O-Ring Shelf Life Chart
190 KB
Reference detailing the recommended storage and usage durations for o-rings by material, helping users ensure integrity and performance.

Type: Chart | Product: Materials

Common O-Ring Material Temp Range
193 KB
High temp o-ring and low temp o-ring ranges for common materials.

Type: Chart | Product: Materials

AS568A O-Ring Size Chart
688 KB
The chart provides dimensions, both nominal and metric, for standard (AN) shrinkage materials ONLY. These correspond to AS568A dimensions

Type: Chart | Product: O-Rings

ESP In-house Engineering Testing Capabiliites
535 KB
Size ranges, operating paramets, and test programs for ESP's in-house engineering radial shaft seal testing capabilities

Type: Chart | Product: Services

5700 Parker O-Ring Handbook - Compatibility Tables
3 MB
From Parker's 5700 O-Ring Handbook, compatibility tables for gasses, fluids, and solids.

Type: Chart | Product: Materials


File Size
Piston Accumulators - 10,000 PSI
227 KB
Detailed datasheet of Freudenberg's 10,000 PSI 040A100 piston accumulators.

Type: Datasheet | Product: Accumulators

Bladder Accumulators - 2,000 PSI
4 MB
Detailed datasheet of Freudenberg's 2,000 PSI EBR20 top repairable bladder accumulators.

Type: Datasheet | Product: Accumulators

Piston Accumulators - 5,000 PSI
119 KB
Detailed datasheet of Freudenberg's 5,000 PSI 160A50 piston accumulators.

Type: Datasheet | Product: Accumulators

Piston Accumulators - 3,000 PSI
125 KB
Detailed datasheet of Freudenberg's 3,000 PSI 067A30 piston accumulators.

Type: Datasheet | Product: Accumulators

Diaphragm Accumulators - Lightweight
7 MB
Detailed datasheet of Freudenberg's lightweight aluminum diaphragm accumulators.

Type: Datasheet | Product: Accumulators

Bladder Accumulators - ALL
12 MB
Detailed datasheet of Freudenberg's bladder accumulators.

Type: Datasheet | Product: Accumulators

Piston Accumulators - 2,000 PSI
10 MB
Detailed datasheet of Freudenberg's 2,000 PSI 045AT20 piston accumulators.

Type: Datasheet | Product: Accumulators

Diaphragm Accumulators - ALL
9 MB
Detailed datasheet of Freudenberg's diaphragm accumulators.

Type: Datasheet | Product: Accumulators


File Size
ESP O-Ring Installation Guide
254 KB
Five-step checklist for installing an o-ring. Includes pre and post installation, system design, and lubrication best practices.

Type: Guide | Product: O-Rings


File Size
Asbestos Declaration
224 KB
Declaration of compliance with regulations regarding the Asbestos Information Act and the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA).

Type: Compliances | Product: Compliance Documentation

Supply Chain Transparency on Trafficking and Slavery Act
160 KB
Statement regarding adherence to relevant laws and regulations aimed at combating issues of modern slavery, human trafficking, and child labor.

Type: Compliances | Product: Compliance Documentation

Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA)
220 KB
Statement of compliance regarding the regulations by the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEP) Toxic substance list: Schedule 1 (May 12, 2021).

Type: Compliances | Product: Compliance Documentation

Conflict Minerals
170 KB
Compliance with products containing conflict minerals.

Type: Compliances | Product: Compliance Documentation

Perchlorate Contamination Prevention Act
225 KB
Statement regarding Perchlorate Contamination Prevention Act (PCPA) along with the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)

Type: Compliances | Product: Compliance Documentation

PFAS per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances
847 KB
Commitment to ensuring safety and compliance regarding the presence of per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in our products. In line with this commitment, our team can provide detailed information on a part-by-part basis to confirm whether an item contains PFAS. This tailored approach allows us to address any specific concerns you may have regarding PFAS content in our products.

Type: Compliances | Product: Compliance Documentation

Proposition 65 Declaration
893 KB
Letter regarding the warning language on ESP products shipped to California or the greater United States for restrictions on exposure to and use of certain chemicals that the State of California has determined to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity.

Type: Compliances | Product: Compliance Documentation

REACH Declaration
887 KB
Declaration that all homogenous material contained within the parts and components ESP provides to customers are in full compliance with the Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 18, 2006, concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH).

Type: Compliances | Product: Compliance Documentation

Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA)
208 KB
Declaration of compliance to the regulations by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), under Section 6(h) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for five Persistent, Bio-accumulative, and Toxic (PBT) chemicals.

Type: Compliances | Product: Compliance Documentation